Comprehensive Modeling of Single-Phase Quasi-ZSource Photovoltaic Inverter to Investigate Low-Frequency Voltage and Current Ripples
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2014 IEEE. The double-line-frequency (2) power ripple of single-phase quasi-Z-source (qZS) Photovoltaic (PV) inverter highly affects the whole system's design and performance. In this paper, a comprehensive modeling for single-phase qZS PV inverter is proposed, where the 2-ripple models of qZS inverter system served by real PV source are established and discussed on cases of with and without PV terminal capacitor. The influences from qZS inductance and capacitance, as well as PV panel terminal capacitance to the 2 ripples are investigated by using the built models. Simulation and experimental results validate the proposed comprehensive 2-ripple models for the qZS-PV inverter.
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2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)