Recommendations for the use of BIM methods for management of post-earthquake damage data
Conference Paper
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) is becoming a common tool for the design, construction, and life-cycle management of building structures. However, one aspect of life-cycle management that does not currently utilize the benefits of BIM is post-earthquake data management. Utilization of BIM methods of data definition to define structural damage offers the potential to greatly enhance the ways structural engineers gather, share, use, and archive post-earthquake damage information. Implementation of BIM for post-earthquake reconnaissance requires the definition of damage information in a format that is consistent with how structural components are defined in BIM models for traditional design and constructions purposes. As a preliminary step in this process, damage definitions for common damage states in reinforced concrete components are established. These damage definitions are consistent with the NIBS (National Institute for Building Science) standards for definition of structural elements using BIM. In addition to these preliminary definitions, this paper presents a discussion of how BIM can be utilized to enhance post-earthquake reconnaissance activities, the challenges to successful implementation of BIM in post-earthquake reconnaissance, and how implementation can be used for enhanced training of volunteers to participate in post-earthquake safety evaluations.