Disparate damage levels from the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake in two similar reinforced concrete shear wall buildings
Conference Paper
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A mid-rise concrete wall building located in Concepcion, Chile and damaged during the 2010 Maule earthquake was evaluated using current evaluation methods, including ASCE/SEI 31/41. This study was done as part of a larger effort by the ATC-94 Committee to characterize observed damage in Chilean mid- and high-rise reinforced concrete shear wall buildings resulting from the earthquake. The building comprised two wings forming an L-shape configuration and separated by a construction joint. Both wings were constructed using similar dimensions and reinforcement details. Despite comparable ground motion demands recorded near the building site in both horizontal directions, the two perpendicular wings exhibited significantly different damage states. While one wing exhibited minor to moderate diagonal cracks in walls at the bottom two levels, the other exhibited numerous shear and flexure-compression wall failures and coupling beam failures. These failures resulted in over 50% loss of its first-story concrete core area and caused significant residual drifts. An ASCE/SEI 41-06 Tier 3 evaluation was carried out for the damaged wing using nonlinear response history analysis in Perform-3D. Analysis results were compared with observed damage to assess the ability of existing ASCE/SEI 31/41 evaluation procedures to predict complex seismic behavior. The effects of building configuration, shear wall stiffness, and foundation flexibility on the estimated seismic response and damage disparity exhibited by the two wings is also discussed. A companion paper discusses the ASCE/SEI 31/41 Tier 1 and 2 evaluations of this building complex.