publication venue for
- SNP detection using RNA-sequences of candidate genes associated with puberty in cattle.. 16. 2017
- Genetic relationship between the Nordestino horse and national and international horse breeds.. 15. 2016
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with carcass traits in a population of Brahman and Brahman-influenced steers. 15. 2016
- Fine mapping of a grain weight quantitative trait locus, qGW6, using near isogenic lines derived from Oryza rufipogon IRGC105491 and Oryza sativa cultivar MR219.. 13:9477-9488. 2014
- Construction and preliminary characterization of a river buffalo bacterial artificial chromosome library.. 11:3013-3019. 2012
- Genetic analysis of the Venezuelan Criollo horse.. 10:2394-2403. 2011
- Genetic analysis of the Venezuelan Criollo horse. 10:2394-2403. 2011
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms in Brahman steers and their association with carcass and tenderness traits.. 8:39-46. 2009
- Molecular cytogenetic assignment of genes to bovine chromosome 5.. 2:260-270. 2003
- Report of a chimeric origin of transposable elements in a bovine-coding gene.. 7:107-116.
- Comparative analysis of noncoding sequences of orthologous bovine and human gene pairs. 2004