publication venue for
- Empowering perovskite PbTiO3 nanoparticles with enhanced up-conversion luminescence and thermal sensitivity by introducing Er3+ dopant. 19:021601-021601. 2021
- Upconversion luminescence, intrinsic optical bistability, and optical thermometry in Ho3+/Yb3+: BaMoO4 phosphors. 17:111601-111601. 2019
- Influence of Tm3+ ions on the amplification of Ho3+: 5I7 5I8 transition in fluoride glass modified by Al(PO3)3 for applications in mid-infrared optics. 15:051604-051609. 2017
- Enhancement of the upconversion luminescence in Y2O3:Er3+ powders by codoping with La3+ ions. 13:021602-021604. 2015
- Er3+/TM3+/Yb3+ tridoped oxyfluoride glass ceramics with efficient upconversion white-light emission. 8:66-69. 2010
- Research on upconversion luminescence in new Er3+/Yb3+ codoped oxyfluoride borosilicate glass ceramics. 7:416-418. 2009
- A novel method of polarization state control for polarization division multiplexing system. 6:812-814. 2008
- Er3+-doped phosphor-tellurite glass for broadband short-length Er3+-doped fiber amplifier. 6:276-278. 2008