Comparison of Nutrition Knowledge, Perceptions and Dietary Practices of Chiropractic Student Doctors at Three Points in their Chiropractic Training
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Knowledge of and attitudes toward nutrition and dietary practices of chiropractic student doctors were evaluated at three points in their training. Students in trimester 1 (TR 1, n = 55), trimester 7 (TR 7, n = 13), and trimester 10 who were graduating (TR 10, n = 20) participated in the study. Subjects provided information on background and demographics and completed a food frequency questionnaire, nutrition knowledge test, and an attitude and perception survey. The study population was 75 % male with an average age of 30. Mean nutrition knowledge test scores did not vary among groups despite the fact that TR 7 students had two courses in nutrition during trimesters 5 and 6. When asked to rank health care professionals regarding level of nutrition knowledge almost all of the respondents [98% (TR 1), 100% (TR 7), 81% (TR 10)] ranked Registered dietitians as most knowledgeable and chiropractors second [65% (TR 1), 82% (TR 7), 75% (TR 10)]. Registered nurses were ranked last most often while rankings for medical doctor, general practitioner, and medical doctor, specialist, showed wide variation. Respondents would seek nutritional advice from a dietitian (78%) or a fellow chiropractor (22%). 85 % of all three classes stated that they intend to recommend and/or prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements to future patients, while 73 % stated they would recommend herbal supplements. TR 7 and TR 10 students were satisfied (85 %) with the quality of their nutrition education, and 77 % of TR 7 and only 35 % of TR 10 students were satisfied with the quantity of nutrition education. These results suggest that although the chiropractic student curriculum provides two trimesters of advanced nutrition, the impact on student's nutrition knowledge for this instrument was not significantly affected. Nutrition as a means of treating disease and the importance of nutriton in their future careers was recognized by all three groups. 1995 American Dietetic Association.