Characterizing the Relaxation Modulus properties of HMA mixes based on the uniaxial strain-controlled testing
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Relaxation Modulus (RM) is one of the mechanical properties that can be utilized to model the visco-elastic behavior of Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) for various purposes including material response analysis, design, and performance prediction. In this study, the uniaxial static strain-controlled RM tests conducted at three temperatures of 10, 20, and 30 C were used to characterize the time-dependent elastic relaxation modulus (E(t)) and stress relaxation rate (m) of various commonly used Texas HMA mixes. The effects of various mix-design parameters including asphalt-binder type, content, and modifier; aggregate type; and oxidative aging on both the Eft) and m parameters were also investigated and are discussed in this paper. A total of thirteen different HMA mixes were tested. Test data variability and consistency are also discussed including some suggestions for the RM test protocol improvements. 2010 Lavoisier, Paris.