Fractious cats and feline aggression. uri icon


  • Despite variation in terminology it is clear that the context in which feline aggression occurs is important for classification, prevention and treatment. Many of the aggressions discussed can be considered variants of normal feline behavior, so client education is particularly important. Educated clients will know when their cat can benefit from veterinary intervention, and when closing a door may be sufficient. The goals of treating all feline aggressions should be safety for all concerned, and quality of their living environment for the cats. The greater our knowledge, the more likely we are to achieve these goals.

published proceedings

  • J Feline Med Surg

altmetric score

  • 10

author list (cited authors)

  • Beaver, B. V.

citation count

  • 40

complete list of authors

  • Beaver, Bonnie V

publication date

  • February 2004