publication venue for
- Slope reliability analysis through Bayesian sequential updating integrating limited data from multiple estimation methods. 19:1101-1117. 2022
- Three Dimensional Landslide Generated Tsunamis: Numerical and Physical Model Comparisons. 17:1145-1161. 2020
- Perceived risks of mountain landslides in Italy: stated choices for subjective risk reductions. 14:1077-1089. 2017
- Characteristics of landslides in western Colorado, USA. 11:589-603. 2014
- A comparison of logistic regression-based models of susceptibility to landslides in western Colorado, USA. 11:247-262. 2014
- A Bayesian bootstrap-Copula coupled method for slope reliability analysis considering bivariate distribution of shear strength parameters. 1-11.
- Uncertainty quantification in the calibration of a dynamic viscoplastic model of slow slope movements. 7:31-41.