publication venue for
- Dietary fatty acids promote sleep through a taste-independent mechanism.. 19:e12629. 2020
- Novel zebrafish behavioral assay to identify modifiers of the rapid, nongenomic stress response.. 18:e12549. 2019
- A transgenic zebrafish model for monitoring glucocorticoid receptor activity.. 13:478-487. 2014
- Behavioral metabolomics analysis identifies novel neurochemical signatures in methamphetamine sensitization.. 12:780-791. 2013
- Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc/Arg3.1) regulates anxiety- and novelty-related behaviors.. 18:e12561.
- The activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) functions in a cell type- and sex-specific manner in the adult nucleus accumbens to regulate non-contingent cocaine behaviors.. 23:e12910.
- The math of making mutant mice.. 2:191-200.