The migration of dermal cells during blastema formation in axolotls.
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Using the diploid/triploid cell marker in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) we have examined the movement of cells from the dermis into the early limb blastema. Cells of dermal origin begin to migrate beneath the wound epithelium at about 5 days postamputation, and by 10 days they are widely distributed across the amputation surface. By 15 days, a dense accumulation of blastema cells is present beneath the apical cap, and these cells are preferentially oriented in a circumferential direction. These results are discussed in relation to previous studies showing that the progeny of dermal cells become widely distributed during regeneration, and that cells of dermal origin are a major source of blastema cells. The results are also discussed in relation to ideas about how growth and patterning of the new appendage occur.