Vector Control of a Five-phase Induction Machine Using Synchronous Current Controller and ANN based Space Vector PWM
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This paper analyses operation of an indirect rotor field oriented controlled five-phase induction machine with current control in the synchronous reference frame. Artificial Neural network (ANN) based Space vector PWM (SVPWM) technique is utilized to control the five-phase voltage source inverter feeding the five-phase induction machine. Performance, obtainable with ANN based space vector PWM and conventional space vector PWM are compared for a number of operating conditions on the basis of simulation results. Full decoupling of rotor flux control and torque control is realized for wide range of speed operation using both SVPWM and ANN based SVPWM. Dynamics, achievable with ANN based SVPWM, are shown to be slightly better when compared to the conventional space vector PWM method. Nevertheless, the gain in the torque characteristics is offset by their computational intensive algorithms. Thus the conventional approach is easier to employ for such applications. 2010 IEEE.
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The 2010 International Power Electronics Conference - ECCE ASIA -