Aptamer-targeted DNA nanostructures for therapeutic delivery. uri icon


  • DNA-based nanostructures have been widely used in various applications due to their structural diversity, programmability, and uniform structures. Their intrinsic biocompatibility and biodegradability further motivates the investigation of DNA-based nanostructures as delivery vehicles. Incorporating AS1411 aptamers into DNA pyramids leads to enhanced intracellular uptake and selectively inhibits the growth of cancer cells, achieved without the use of transfection reagents. Furthermore, aptamer-displaying pyramids are found to be substantially more resistant to nuclease degradation than single-stranded aptamers. These findings, along with their modularity, reinforce the potential of DNA-based nanostructures for therapeutic applications.

published proceedings

  • Mol Pharm

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Charoenphol, P., & Bermudez, H.

citation count

  • 106

complete list of authors

  • Charoenphol, Phapanin||Bermudez, Harry

publication date

  • May 2014