Observation and optical tailoring of photonic lattice filaments. uri icon


  • We demonstrate, for the first time, that photonic lattices support a new type of laser filaments, called lattice filaments (LF). The LF attributes (length, width, and intensity) can be tailored by both varying the photonic lattice properties and also dynamically through the interaction between filaments. This opens the way for extensive all-optical control of the nonlinear propagation of intense ultrafast wave packets. Our approach is generic and applicable to all transparent media, with potential strong impact on various photonic applications.

published proceedings

  • Phys Rev Lett

altmetric score

  • 0.5

author list (cited authors)

  • Bellec, M., Panagiotopoulos, P., Papazoglou, D. G., Efremidis, N. K., Couairon, A., & Tzortzakis, S.

citation count

  • 24

complete list of authors

  • Bellec, M||Panagiotopoulos, P||Papazoglou, DG||Efremidis, NK||Couairon, A||Tzortzakis, S

publication date

  • September 2012