publication venue for
- Increasing access to care for Brazos Valley, Texas: a rural community of solution.. 26:246-253. 2013
- Consistency of care and blood pressure control among elderly African Americans and whites with hypertension.. 22:307-315. 2009
- Clinical depressive symptoms and diabetes in a binational border population.. 21:223-233. 2008
- Understanding the quality chasm for hypertension control in diabetes: a structured review of "co-maneuvers" used in clinical trials.. 20:469-478. 2007
- A Model for Measuring Ambulatory Access to Care Recovery after Disasters.. 31:252-259.
- Challenges and opportunities for implementing diabetes self-management guidelines.. 26:90-92.
- Costs associated with data collection and reporting for diabetes quality improvement in primary care practices: a report from SNOCAP-USA.. 25:275-282.
- Expanding Access to Colorectal Cancer Screening: Benchmarking Quality Indicators in a Primary Care Colonoscopy Program.. 28:713-721.
- Incorporating PDA use in diabetes self-care: a central Texas Primary Care Research Network (CenTexNet) study.. 20:375-384.
- Incorporating PDA use in diabetes self-care: A central Texas primary care research network (CenTexNet) study 2007