publication venue for
- The Correlation Between Sm-Doping to the Critical Behavior and Landau Theory of La0.8-xSmxSr0.2MnO3(x = 0, 0.05, 01) Manganites. 35:3457-3466. 2022
- Finite Size Effects in Anisotropic u = a Hubbard Ladder Rings. 31:1369-1373. 2018
- Analysis of Magnetization as a Function of Temperature for CoMn1-x Fe (x) Ge. 30:3587-3594. 2017
- Large Increase of the Critical Field in a Magnet-Superconductor Nanowire Hybrid. 23:1075-1077. 2010
- Vortex Pinning by an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field. 23:1079-1082. 2010
- Continuous Wrapping to Prepare Intact Tantalum Barriers for Internal Tin Nb3Sn Multifilamentary Strand. 17:345-347. 2004
- Continuous Wrapping Tantalum Barriers for Internal-Tin Nb3Sn Multi-Filamentary Wires. 17:265-268. 2004
- Critical current density behaviors for sinter-forged Bi-2223 bulks. 16:555-560. 2003