publication venue for
- Genome-wide association study of shared liability to anxiety disorders in Army STARRS.. 183:197-207. 2020
- The genetic and environmental structure of fear and anxiety in juvenile twins.. 180:204-212. 2019
- The genetics of anxiety-related negative valence system traits.. 174:156-177. 2017
- A powerful phenotype for gene-finding studies derived from trajectory analyses of symptoms of anxiety and depression between age seven and 18.. 171:948-957. 2016
- Obsessive compulsive symptom dimensions and neuroticism: An examination of shared genetic and environmental risk.. 165B:647-653. 2014
- Support for involvement of glutamate decarboxylase 1 and neuropeptide Y in anxiety susceptibility.. 159B:316-327. 2012
- An association between Epac-1 gene variants and anxiety and depression in two independent samples.. 153B:214-219. 2010
- Association study of CREB1 with Major Depressive Disorder and related phenotypes.. 150B:1128-1132. 2009
- Variants in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors alpha5 and alpha3 increase risks to nicotine dependence.. 150B:926-933. 2009
- Association study between the serotonin 1A receptor (HTR1A) gene and neuroticism, major depression, and anxiety disorders.. 147B:661-666. 2008
- Heritability of obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions.. 147B:473-478. 2008
- Genome scan of schizophrenia families in a large Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study sample: evidence for linkage to 18p11.32 and for racial heterogeneity on chromosomes 6 and 14.. 139B:91-100. 2005
- Novel exonic mu-opioid receptor gene (OPRM1) polymorphisms not associated with opioid dependence.. 133B:105-109. 2005
- Association between glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) genes and mood and anxiety disorders 2005
- Extraversion and neuroticism as indices of genetic and environmental risk for social phobia 2005