publication venue for
- Inoculants to Enhance the Ruminal Degradation of SmallGrain Forage. 12:1-7. 2014
- SoilFertility Principles for WarmSeason Perennial Forages and Sustainable Pasture Production. 12:1-9. 2014
- Assessing the Production and Nutritive Value of WarmSeason Legumes in Oklahoma and Texas. 11:1-6. 2013
- Stocker Growth on Rye and Ryegrass Pastures Affects Subsequent Feedlot Gains and Carcass Traits. 10:1-12. 2012
- Growth of Yearling Horses and Costs Related to Pasture and Supplemental Feed Alternatives. 9:1-8. 2011
- Yield, Water Use Efficiency, and Nutritive Value of Six Warm-Season Perennial Grasses in Response to Irrigation Level. 9:1-8. 2011