The 3D Incompressible Euler Equations with a Passive Scalar: A Road to Blow-Up?
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The three-dimensional incompressible Euler equations with a passive scalar are considered in a smooth domain with no-normal-flow boundary conditions = 0. It is shown that smooth solutions blow up in a finite time if a null (zero) point develops in the vector B=q, provided B has no null points initially: = {u} is the vorticity and q= is a potential vorticity. The presence of the passive scalar concentration is an essential component of this criterion in detecting the formation of a singularity. The problem is discussed in the light of a kinematic result by Graham and Henyey (Phys. Fluids 12:744-746, 2000) on the non-existence of Clebsch potentials in the neighbourhood of null points. 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.