publication venue for
- Quantitative and qualitative comparison of marine dissolved organic nitrogen recovery using solid phase extraction. 21:467-477. 2023
- Estimation of gas exchange coefficients from observations on the Yenisei River, Russia. 20:781-788. 2022
- A critical review of the 15N2 tracer method to measure diazotrophic production in pelagic ecosystems. 18:129-147. 2020
- On estimation of coastal wave parameters and wave-induced shear stresses. 16:594-606. 2018
- Evaluation of linear autoregressive models for estimation of energy spectra in gappy turbulent velocity data. 16:1-21. 2018
- Assessment and comparison of Anopore and cross flow filtration methods for the determination of dissolved iron size fractionation into soluble and colloidal phases in seawater. 12:246-263. 2014
- A Southeast Atlantic deep-ocean observatory: first experiences and results. 11:304-315. 2013
- An intercalibration between the GEOTRACES GO-FLO and the MITESS/Vanes sampling systems for dissolved iron concentration analyses (and a closer look at adsorption effects). 10:437-450. 2012
- A simple high performance liquid chromatography method for the measurement of nucleobases and the RNA and DNA content of cellular material. 10:608-616. 2012
- Measurement of acid polysaccharides in marine and freshwater samples using alcian blue. 5:73-87. 2007
- Hydrolysis-induced racemization of amino acids (vol 3, pg 318, 2005). 4:293-293. 2006
- Hydrolysis-induced racemization of amino acids. 3:318-325. 2005