publication venue for
- Firearm ownership and storage practices among United States firefighters and emergency medical services personnel. 2023
- Examining the utility of the Personality Assessment Screener in three criminal justice samples.. 16:664-674. 2019
- Single-session emotion regulation skills training to reduce aggression in combat veterans: A clinical innovation case study.. 13:170-177. 2016
- Communication between VA providers and sexual and gender minority veterans: a pilot study.. 11:235-242. 2014
- The roles of individual and organizational factors in burnout among community-based mental health service providers.. 11:41-49. 2014
- "Hired guns," "charlatans," and their "voodoo psychobabble": case law references to various forms of perceived bias among mental health expert witnesses.. 9:259-271. 2012
- Identification of Mental Disorders in an In-Patient Prison Psychiatric Unit: Examining the Criterion-Related Validity of the Personality Assessment Inventory. 5:108-117. 2008
- Identifying Youths at Risk for Institutional Misconduct: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of the Psychopathy Checklist Measures. 4:13-27. 2007
- Psychopathy and Suicide: A Multisample Investigation. 3:97-116. 2006