publication venue for
- MesoSoil v2.0: An updated soil physical property database for the Oklahoma Mesonet. 20. 2021
- Water-dispersible nanocolloids and higher temperatures promote the release of carbon from riparian soil. 19. 2020
- Testing a Water Redistribution Model in a Cracked Vertisol at Two Scales. 18:1-11. 2019
- The Variable Saturation Hydraulic Conductivity Method for Improving Soil Water Content Simulation in EPIC and APEX Models. 16:1-14. 2017
- Review of Flow Through Heterogeneous Geologic Media. 15:1-3. 2016
- A Reevaluation of Time Domain Reflectometry Propagation Time Determination in Soils. 13:1-13. 2014
- Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements with Centrifuges: A Review. 8:531-547. 2009
- Transport by Advection and Diffusion Revisited. 2:655-663. 2003
- Lateral Water Diffusion in an Artificial Macroporous System: Modeling and Experimental Evidence. 2:212-221. 2003
- Transport by Advection and Diffusion Revisited. 2:655-663. 2003
- Transport by Advection and Diffusion Revisited. 2:655-655. 2003
- A semianalytical solution of the modified two-dimensional diffusive root growth model. 20.
- Analysis of temperature effects on tension infiltrometry of low permeability materials. 4:481-487.
- Applicability of soil moisture sensors for monitoring water dynamics in rock: A field test in weathered limestone. 20.
- Characterizing largescale preferential flow across Continental United States. 23.
- Correspondence and Upscaling of Hydraulic Functions for SteadyState Flow in Heterogeneous Soils. 3:527-533.
- Correspondence and upscaling of hydraulic functions for steady-state flow in heterogeneous soils. 3:527-533.
- Estimating Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Spatially Distributed Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration. 12:1-16.
- Evidence of Aqueous Iron Sulfide Clusters in the Vadose Zone. 13:1-12.
- Impacts of juniper vegetation and karst geology on subsurface flow processes in the Edwards Plateau, Texas. 5:1076-1085.
- Improved tension infiltrometer for measuring low fluid flow rates in unsaturated fractured rock. 4:885-890.
- Infiltration from the Pedon to Global Grid Scales: An Overview and Outlook for Land Surface Modeling. 18:1-53.
- Inverse MobileImmobile Modeling of Transport During Transient Flow: Effects of BetweenDomain Transfer and Initial Water Content. 3:1309-1321.
- Inverse dual-permeability modeling of preferential water flow in a soil column and implications for field-scale solute transport. 5:59-76.
- Inverse mobile-immobile modeling of transport during transient flow:: Effects of between-domain transfer and initial water content. 3:1309-1321.
- Lateral Water Diffusion in an Artificial Macroporous System. 2:212-212.
- Multiscale pedotransfer functions for soil water retention. 6:868-878.
- Near-surface soil moisture assimilation for quantifying effective soil hydraulic properties under different hydroclimatic conditions. 7:39-52.
- Numerical analysis of coupled water, vapor, and heat transport in the vadose zone. 5:784-800.
- On the effective averaging schemes of hydraulic properties at the landscape scale. 5:308-316.
- Remote Sensing for Vadose Zone Hydrology-A Synthesis from the Vantage Point. 12:1-6.
- Root zone soil moisture assessment using remote sensing and vadose zone modeling. 5:296-307.
- Soil Hydraulic Parameter Upscaling for SteadyState Flow with Root Water Uptake. 3:1464-1470.
- Soil Hydraulic Property Estimation Using Remote Sensing: A Review. 12:1-9.
- Soil Moisture Remote Sensing: State-of-the-Science. 16:1-9.
- Soil hydraulic parameter upscaling for steady-state flow with root water uptake. 3:1464-1470.
- Spatial Averaging of van Genuchten Hydraulic Parameters for Steady-State Flow in Heterogeneous Soils. 1:261-261.
- Spatial Averaging of van Genuchten Hydraulic Parameters for Steady-State Flow in Heterogeneous Soils: A Numerical Study. 1:261-272.
- Spatial Averaging of van Genuchten Hydraulic Parameters for SteadyState Flow in Heterogeneous Soils: A Numerical Study. 1:261-272.
- Special Issue: Tribute to Rien van Genuchten, recipient of the 2023 Wolf Prize for Agriculture. 23.
- Uncertainties of Water Fluxes in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer Models: Inverting Surface Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration Retrieved from Remote Sensing. 11.