publication venue for
- Differential Associations of Distress Tolerance and Anxiety Sensitivity With Adolescent Internalizing Psychopathology.. 50:97-104. 2021
- A Population-Based Twin Study of Childhood Irritability and Internalizing Syndromes.. 49:524-534. 2020
- Examining the Pathologic Adaptation Model of Community Violence Exposure in Male Adolescents of Color.. 46:125-135. 2017
- Dysregulated fear predicts social wariness and social anxiety symptoms during kindergarten.. 42:603-616. 2013
- Maternal attachment and depressive symptoms in urban adolescents: the influence of coping strategies and gender.. 38:684-695. 2009
- Psychopathic features moderate the relationship between harsh and inconsistent parental discipline and adolescent antisocial behavior.. 37:472-476. 2008
- Internship Programs Offering Clinical Experience With Children, Youth, and Families. 15:360-373. 1986
- Behavioral group parent training in spina bifida. 11:144-150. 1982
- Positive parenting as a mediator of the relations between parental psychological distress and mental health problems of parentally bereaved children.. 34:260-271.