publication venue for
- A Framework to Develop an Immersive Virtual Reality Simulation Tool for Postpartum Hemorrhage Management Nurse Training.. Publish Ahead of Print. 2023
- The Use of Tai-Chi to Reduce Anxiety Among Nursing Students Undergoing Simulation.. 41:183-184. 2020
- Challenges and Opportunities on Health Sciences Regional Campuses: A Multidiscipline, Multicampus Survey.. 40:E3-E8. 2019
- Meeting Texas Nursing Workforce Needs Through Recruitment and Retention Initiatives.. 40:355-357. 2019
- The Effects of Interprofessional Pediatric End-of-Life Simulation on Communication and Role Understanding in Health Professions Students.. 39:360-362. 2018
- Academic Factors Predicting NCLEX-RN Success.. 43:112-114.
- The Effect of Autogenic Training on Self-Efficacy, Anxiety, and Performance on Nursing Student Simulation. 38.