publication venue for
- More target features in visual working memory leads to poorer search guidance: evidence from contralateral delay activity.. 14:8-8. 2014
- A value-driven mechanism of attentional selection.. 13:7-7.
- Arousal-Biased Competition Explains Reduced Distraction by Reward Cues Under Threat. 20:169-169.
- Attentional Bias for Non-drug Reward is Magnified in Addiction. 14:508-508.
- Attentional capture by threat is independent of uni- versus multi-modal threat intensity. 21:2329-2329.
- Direct Comparison of the Neural Correlates of Value- and Punishment-Driven Attentional Capture. 20:239-239.
- Distinguishing Between Punishment vs Negative Reinforcement in the Control of Attention. 19:53a-53a.
- Do physical effort and electrical stimulations similarly affect attentional capture?. 24:1168-1168.
- Examining the Impact of Acetaminophen on Early Attentional Processing of Emotional Images. 23:5147-5147.
- Generalization of threat-related attentional priority with visual objects. 23:5688-5688.
- Investigating Value-Driven Attention In An Avian Model. 22:3671-3671.
- Learning Mechanisms Underlying Value-Driven Attention. 17:1101-1101.
- Linking Threat-Related Attentional Biases Toward Bicyclists to Driving Behavior. 21:1861-1861.
- Matter over mind: Effects of imagery and perceptual priming on visual attention. 21:2024-2024.
- Neural Correlates of Value-Driven Spatial Attention. 20:318-318.
- Neural Mechanisms of Attentional Bias Following Aversive Conditioning. 18:1253-1253.
- Oculomotor Feedback Rapidly Reduces Attentional Capture. 21:2442-2442.
- Reducing risk habituation to struck-by hazards in a road construction environment using virtual reality behavioral intervention. 22:4180-4180.
- Relating value-driven attentional capture to striatal dopamine: A positron emission tomography study. 16:1134-1134.
- Reward learning biases the direction of saccades in visual search. 19:283a-283a.
- Semantic generalization of threat-related attentional capture. 21:2057-2057.
- Statistical Regularities Do Not Facilitate Encoding but Induce Biased Guessing in the Attribute Amnesia Task. 24:391-391.
- The role of encoding history in visual working memory encoding: Evidence from attribute amnesia. 22:3441-3441.
- Threat-modulated attentional priority is context specific. 20:220-220.
- Vicarious learning of threat-related attentional capture. 23:5662-5662.