Diaphragmatic herniation as a cause of lethargy and exercise intolerance in a mare. uri icon


  • A diaphragmatic hernia in which 90% of the large colon had herniated through a 16-cm linear tear in the diaphragm was found in a 12-year-old Quarter Horse mare. Clinical signs included lethargy and exercise intolerance. Diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia was made based on careful thoracic auscultation, combined with ultrasonographic and radiographic examination of the thorax.

published proceedings

  • Cornell Vet

author list (cited authors)

  • Everett, K. A., Chaffin, M. K., & Brinsko, S. P.

citation count

  • 15

complete list of authors

  • Everett, KA||Chaffin, MK||Brinsko, SP

publication date

  • July 1992