publication venue for
- Clade sorting has a greater effect than local adaptation on ecometric patterns in Carnivora. 18:61-95. 2017
- Field heritabilities and lack of correlation of snail shell form and anti-predator function estimated using Bayesian and maximum likelihood methods. 14:743-755. 2012
- Trophic plasticity and fine-grained resource variation in populations of western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis. 7:801-819. 2005
- Testing predictions of small brood models using parasitoid wasps. 7:779-794. 2005
- Plasticity constrained: over-generalized induction cues cause maladaptive phenotypes. 4:857-870. 2002
- Functional diversity among predators of a freshwater snail imposes an adaptive trade-off for shell morphology. 2:129-148. 2000
- anyFish: an open-source software to generate animated fish models for behavioural studies. 15:361-375.