Growth and development in rats and deficiency of magnesium and pyridoxine.
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Eight-eight female weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were fed diets containing either 650 or 150 mg magnesium/kg diet and 7.0 or 3.5 mg pyridoxine-HCl/kg diet, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, during growth, gestation, and lactation. The objective of the study was to determine whether concurrent dietary deficiencies of magnesium and pyridoxine were synergistic, additive, or antagonistic with regards to effects on reproductive performance, growth, and development of offspring, and tissue content of magnesium and calcium. Body weight of dams and pups was not different between groups until day 9 of lactation, at which point those animals in either low magnesium group weighed less than the other. Litter size and birth weight were not different. Development, as measured by timing of unfolding of the external ear, opening of both eyes, and clinical emergence of incisors, was delayed in pups from litters in the low magnesium groups. A synergistic effect on delay of onset of ear unfolding by deficiency of both magnesium and pyridoxine was observed. Calcium content of heart and kidney from dams was increased in the low magnesium groups. Renal calcium was not further increased by the level of pyridoxine deficiency in this study. The calcium to magnesium ratio in heart from pups was higher in those from litters in the low magnesium and pyridoxine group than in the others. Results indicate that simultaneous deficiencies of magnesium and pyridoxine may impair function synergistically. Because these two nutrients are often reported to be presented in inadequate amounts in diets of women in their reproductive years, the potential exists for impaired reproductive success.