Consequences of low dietary magnesium and high dietary calcium on pregnancy outcome and tissue mineralization in rats.
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Weanling female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed purified diets to determine the influence of excess dietary calcium upon tissue content of magnesium and calcium, and reproductive outcome. Two levels of calcium (5000 and 16,000 ppm) and magnesium (200 and 1200 ppm) in a 2x2 factorial design (adequate magnesium and calcium = C; low magnesium adequate calcium = L; high calcium adequate magnesium = CHC; and high calcium low magnesium = LHC) were used during the study which included growth and breeding (10 weeks), and gestation and lactation (6 weeks). Depressed weight gain during growth and gestation occurred in response to calcium excess. Renal calcium accumulation was reduced in LHC dams as compared to L dams. In dams fed excess calcium, magnesium concentrations of bone, serum, and kidney were depressed while serum alkaline phosphatase activity increased. The adverse effects of high calcium seen in the dams were not apparent in LHC pups. These pups were heavier and more viable during lactation than pups in the L group. High dietary calcium in combination with low dietary magnesium during one reproductive cycle resulted in altered mineral levels in tissues and improved growth and viability of pups when compared to magnesium-deficient animals.