Genetic effects of thirteen Gossypium barbadense L. chromosome substitution lines in topcrosses with upland cotton cultivars: I. Yield and yield components
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Gossypium barbadense L. line 3-79 is lower in yield, has smaller bolls and longer, finer, and stronger fibers than upland cotton G. hirsutum L. Thirteen chromosome substitution (CS-B) lines with individual 3-79 chromosomes or arms substituted into TM-1, G. hirsutum, were top crossed with five elite cultivars and additive and dominance effects for the yield components, lint percentage, boll weight, seed cotton yield, and lint yield, were measured over four environments. Additive effects were greater than dominance effects for all traits. CS-B lines had smaller additive and homozygous dominance effects than the cultivars for most traits. Many CS-B lines had negative additive effects; however, chromosome substituted arms 22sh and 22Lo showed additive effects for lint yield that were significantly greater than homologous chromosome arms in TM-1. Hybrids of DP90 CS-B15sh, ST 474 CS-B17, and FM 966 CS-B02 had positive dominance effects for lint yield significantly greater than the homologous chromosomes in TM-1. Several chromosomes or arms were associated with significant negative additive or dominance effects. These data provide a valuable baseline on yield components for the utility of these CS-B lines in commercial breeding programs. When individual chromosomes or chromosome arms, via CS-B lines, are used in crosses with cultivars, alleles for yield components on specific G. barbadense chromosomes were uncovered that showed positive interactions with alleles in elite germplasm. Crop Science Society of America.