publication venue for
- FF-BERT: A BERT-based ensemble for automated classification of web-based text on flash flood events. 59:102293-102293. 2024
- Human-centered flood mapping and intelligent routing through augmenting flood gauge data with crowdsourced street photos. 54:101730-101730. 2022
- Cognitive characteristics in firefighter wayfinding Tasks: An Eye-Tracking analysis. 53:101668-101668. 2022
- Artificial intelligence-enhanced seismic response prediction of reinforced concrete frames. 52:101568-101568. 2022
- Crowdsourcing the perceived urban built environment via social media: The case of underutilized land. 50:101371-101371. 2021
- Advancing post-earthquake structural evaluations via sequential regression-based predictive mean matching for enhanced forecasting in the context of missing data. 47:101202-101202. 2021
- Fine-grained occupant activity monitoring with Wi-Fi channel state information: Practical implementation of multiple receiver settings. 46:101147-101147. 2020
- Deep learning-based classification of work-related physical load levels in construction. 45:101104-101104. 2020
- Saliency detection analysis of collective physiological responses of pedestrians to evaluate neighborhood built environments. 43:101035-101035. 2020
- Automated ergonomic risk monitoring using body-mounted sensors and machine learning. 38:514-526. 2018
- An electrical network for evaluating monitoring strategies intended for hydraulic pressurized networks. 30:672-686. 2016
- Performance comparison of reduced models for leak detection in water distribution networks. 29:714-726. 2015
- Rapid entropy-based detection and properties measurement of concrete spalling with machine vision for post-earthquake safety assessments. 26:846-858. 2012
- Convolutional neural networks for object detection in aerial imagery for disaster response and recovery. 43:101009-101009.
- Ergonomic assessment of office worker postures using 3D automated joint angle assessment. 52:101596-101596.