publication venue for
- Cloning, expression, and characterization of a Coxiella burnetii Cu/Zn Superoxide dismutase.. 15:99. 2015
- An ontology for microbial phenotypes.. 14:294. 2014
- New function for Escherichia coli xanthosine phophorylase (xapA): genetic and biochemical evidences on its participation in NAD(+) salvage from nicotinamide.. 14:29. 2014
- Repertoire of novel sequence signatures for the detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus by quantitative real-time PCR.. 14:39. 2014
- Gene discovery, evolutionary affinity and molecular detection of Oxyspirura petrowi, an eye worm parasite of game birds.. 13:233-233. 2013
- Isolimonic acid interferes with Escherichia coli O157:H7 biofilm and TTSS in QseBC and QseA dependent fashion.. 12:261. 2012
- Complete genome sequence of Enterococcus faecium strain TX16 and comparative genomic analysis of Enterococcus faecium genomes.. 12:135. 2012
- Coverage evaluation of universal bacterial primers using the metagenomic datasets.. 12:66. 2012
- A species independent universal bio-detection microarray for pathogen forensics and phylogenetic classification of unknown microorganisms.. 11:132. 2011
- The effect of the macrolide antibiotic tylosin on microbial diversity in the canine small intestine as demonstrated by massive parallel 16S rRNA gene sequencing.. 9:210-210. 2009
- Brucella melitensis global gene expression study provides novel information on growth phase-specific gene regulation with potential insights for understanding Brucella:host initial interactions.. 9:81. 2009
- A comparison of cecal colonization of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium in white leghorn chicks and Salmonella-resistant mice.. 8:182. 2008
- Indole is an inter-species biofilm signal mediated by SdiA.. 7:42. 2007
- The Mycobacterium marinum mel2 locus displays similarity to bacterial bioluminescence systems and plays a role in defense against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.. 7:4. 2007
- Transcriptional analysis of the bglP gene from Streptococcus mutans.. 6:37-37. 2006
- Immunoreactivity of the Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis 19-kDa lipoprotein.. 5:3. 2005
- Purification and preliminary crystallization of alanine racemase from Streptococcus pneumoniae.. 7:40.