publication venue for
- Self-similarity of a Rayleigh-Taylor mixing layer at low Atwood number with a multimode initial perturbation. 18:973-999. 2017
- Mathematics and turbulence: where do we stand?. 14:42-76. 2013
- Closure modeling in bridging regions of variable-resolution (VR) turbulence computations. 14:72-98. 2013
- Velocity-gradient dynamics in compressible turbulence: influence of Mach number and dilatation rate. 13:1-23. 2012
- On the role of vortical structures for turbulent mixing using direct numerical simulation and wavelet-based coherent vorticity extraction. 12:n20-N20. 2011
- Velocity gradient invariants and local flow-field topology in compressible turbulence. 11:1-24. 2010
- Effect of compressibility on turbulent velocity gradients and small-scale structure. 10:1-18. 2009
- A study of the Navier-Stokes-alpha model for two-dimensional turbulence. 8:1-21. 2007
- Boltzmann-BGK approach to simulating weakly compressible 3D turbulence: comparison between lattice Boltzmann and gas kinetic methods. 8:1-16. 2007
- Extension of Boussinesq turbulence constitutive relation for bridging methods. 8:1-21. 2007
- DNS of homogenous shear turbulence revisited with the lattice Boltzmann method. 6:n6-N6. 2005
- On the Clark-alpha model of turbulence: global regularity and long-time dynamics. 6:1-11. 2005
- Realizability of the Reynolds stress and rapid pressure-strain correlation in turbulence modelling. 5:n6. 2004
- The natural viscosity of turbulence. 4. 2003