The cause of the decline of pinnated grouse: the Texas example
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Pinnated grouse (prairie-chickens, Tympanuchus spp.) are declining throughout their range. Historically, there were 3 pinnated grouse in Texas: Attwater's prairie-chicken (T. cupido attwateri), greater prairie-chicken (T.c.pinnatus), and lesser prairie-chicken (T. pallidicinctus). Factors such as habitat quality and genetic isolation that can affect survival may limit a population, but evidence indicates that usable space (habitat quantity) is the factor responsible for the long-term decline of pinnated grouse in both Texas and North America in general. There is a need to restore former pinnated grouse habitat because current habitat space will not save pinnated grouse in Texas from extinction over the long term. Programs within the current Farm Bill offer an opportunity for restoring these former habitats. Research is needed to determine the most effective and economical way to restore former habitat.