publication venue for
- How do mandated college student drinkers characterize binge drinking?. ahead-of-print:1-7. 2023
- Self-reported reasons for opioid and analgesic misuse among participants without cancer in the United States. ahead-of-print:1-7. 2023
- Pattern recognition from cyclist under influence (CUI) crash events: application of block cluster analysis. 27:585-590. 2022
- Understanding patterns in Marijuana impaired traffic crashes. 26:21-29. 2021
- Psychometric properties of a single-item assessing drunkenness to identify hazardous drinking: a replication study. 21:153-157. 2016
- Evaluating the psychometric properties of the AUDIT-C among college students. 20:1-5. 2015
- A systematic review of tobacco use among subSaharan African youth. 11:245-269. 2006