publication venue for
- A scalable two-stage Bayesian approach accounting for exposure measurement error in environmental epidemiology.. kxae038. 2024
- Estimation of sparse functional quantile regression with measurement error: a SIMEX approach.. 23:1218-1241. 2022
- Bayesian biclustering for microbial metagenomic sequencing data via multinomial matrix factorization.. 23:891-909. 2022
- An empirical Bayes approach for multiple tissue eQTL analysis.. 19:391-406. 2018
- Estimation of radiation risk in presence of classical additive and Berkson multiplicative errors in exposure doses.. 17:422-436. 2016
- Measurement error models with interactions.. 17:277-290. 2016
- Spatial measurement error and correction by spatial SIMEX in linear regression models when using predicted air pollution exposures.. 17:377-389. 2016
- A robust Bayesian dose-finding design for phase I/II clinical trials. 17:249-263. 2015
- Methods to assess an exercise intervention trial based on 3-level functional data.. 16:754-771. 2015
- Bayesian partial linear model for skewed longitudinal data.. 16:441-453. 2015
- Assessment of source-specific health effects associated with an unknown number of major sources of multiple air pollutants: a unified Bayesian approach.. 15:484-497. 2014
- Testing Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with a simple root-mean-square statistic.. 15:74-86. 2014
- Controlling the local false discovery rate in the adaptive Lasso.. 14:653-666. 2013
- Inferring gene networks from discrete expression data.. 14:708-722. 2013
- Structured variable selection with q-values.. 14:695-707. 2013
- Estimating incremental cost-effectiveness ratios and their confidence intervals with different terminating events for survival time and costs.. 14:422-432. 2013
- Identifying genetic marker sets associated with phenotypes via an efficient adaptive score test.. 13:776-790. 2012
- Fast methods for spatially correlated multilevel functional data.. 11:177-194. 2010
- Combining assays for estimating prevalence of human herpesvirus 8 infection using multivariate mixture models.. 9:137-151. 2008
- Retrospective analysis of haplotype-based case control studies under a flexible model for gene environment association.. 9:81-99. 2008
- A new approach to intensity-dependent normalization of two-channel microarrays.. 8:128-139. 2007
- The relationship between virologic and immunologic responses in AIDS clinical research using mixed-effects varying-coefficient models with measurement error.. 4:297-312. 2003
- A Bayesian analysis of colonic crypt structure and coordinated response to carcinogen exposure incorporating missing crypts.. 3:529-546. 2002