Demonstrating multipartite entanglement of single-particle W states: Linear optical schemes
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We present two linear optical schemes using nonideal photodetectors to demonstrate the inseparability of W -type N -partite entangled states containing only a single photon. First, we show that the pairwise entanglement of arbitrary two modes chosen from N optical modes can be detected using the method proposed by Nha and Kim [Phys. Rev. A 74, 012317 (2006)], thereby suggesting a full inseparability among N parties. In particular, this scheme is found to succeed for any nonzero quantum efficiency of photodetectors. Second, we consider a quantum teleportation network using linear optics without auxiliary modes. The conditional teleportation can be optimized by a suitable choice of the transmittance of the beam splitter in the Bell measurement. Specifically, we identify the conditions under which maximum fidelity larger than the classical bound 2/3 is achieved only in cooperation with other parties. We also investigate the case of on-off photodetectors that cannot discriminate between the number of detected photons. 2007 The American Physical Society.