publication venue for
- Diborane Concatenation Leads to New Planar Boron Chemistry.. 21:2460-2467. 2020
- An International Laboratory Comparison Study of Volumetric and Gravimetric Hydrogen Adsorption Measurements.. 20:1997-2009. 2019
- Multifunctional Shape-Memory Polymer Foams with Bio-inspired Antimicrobials.. 19:1999-2008. 2018
- Atomic Layer Deposition of Hafnium(IV) Oxide on Graphene Oxide: Probing Interfacial Chemistry and Nucleation by using X-ray Absorption and Photoelectron Spectroscopies.. 16:2842-2848. 2015
- Implementation and characterization of flow injection in dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization NMR spectroscopy.. 16:2646-2652. 2015
- Stacking interactions of Ni(acac) chelates with benzene: calculated interaction energies.. 14:1797-1800. 2013
- Colloidal crystallization of surfactant-free ZnO quantum dots.. 12:3533-3538. 2011
- Molecular wires in single-molecule junctions: charge transport and vibrational excitations.. 11:2256-2260. 2010
- Oxidation of CO catalyzed by a Cu cluster: influence of an electric field.. 10:3295-3302. 2009
- Highly anisotropic orbitally dependent superexchange in cyano-bridged clusters containing Mn(III) and Mn(II) ions.. 7:871-879. 2006
- Surface chemistry and structure of purified, ozonized, multiwalled carbon nanotubes probed by NEXAFS and vibrational spectroscopies.. 5:1416-1422. 2004
- Ultrafast time-resolved transient structures of solids and liquids by means of extended X-ray absorption fine structure.. 5:27-35. 2004
- Organization of water layers at hydrophilic interfaces.. 4:1231-1233. 2003
- Effects of Solid Electrolyte Interphase Components on the Reduction of LiFSI over Lithium Metal.. 21:1310-1317.
- Effects of a Tridentate Pincer Ligand on Parahydrogen Induced Polarization.. 22:1518-1526.
- Nanosecond Time-Resolution Study of Gold Nanorod Rotation at the Liquid-Solid Interface.. 17:2218-2224.
- Nonplasmonic Hot-Electron Photocurrents from Mn-Doped Quantum Dots in Photoelectrochemical Cells.. 17:660-664.