Probing microscopic chemical environments with high-intensity chirped pulses. uri icon


  • By varying the chirp of high-intensity pulses, we can use the chirp-condition-dependent fluorescence yield to distinguish among different molecules or the same molecule in different microenvironments. As an example of the latter we show that SNAFL-2, a well-known pH-sensitive dye, shows large modulation in fluorescence yield in response to both variation in acidity and variation in chirp condition. Future application of this technique as a novel contrast mechanism within fluorescence microscopy is discussed.

published proceedings

  • Opt Lett

altmetric score

  • 6

author list (cited authors)

  • Buist, A. H., Mller, M., Ghauharali, R. I., Brakenhoff, G. J., Squier, J. A., Bardeen, C. J., Yakovlev, V. V., & Wilson, K. R.

citation count

  • 24

complete list of authors

  • Buist, AH||Mller, M||Ghauharali, RI||Brakenhoff, GJ||Squier, JA||Bardeen, CJ||Yakovlev, VV||Wilson, KR

publication date

  • January 1999