Higher order processes in random Raman lasing. uri icon


  • Random Raman lasers offer a unique opportunity to study many exciting dynamics of light propagation in turbid media. One of the most notable features observed to exist in the recently discovered random Raman laser are the presence of higher order stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) processes. The higher order Stokes generation likely comes from photons that have the longest pathlengths, thus have the most gain. This makes these photons particularly likely to offer interesting insight into wave propagation effects such as coherent backscattering and optical Anderson localization. In this work, we use Monte Carlo simulations to investigate how these higher order processes occur and what properties they are expected to exhibit when considering only transport equation dynamics. This knowledge will allow us to look for deviations from this theory in future experiments to determine if wavelike properties play an active role in random Raman lasing.

published proceedings

  • Appl Phys A Mater Sci Process

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Hokr, B. H., Bixler, J. N., & Yakovlev, V. V.

citation count

  • 14
  • 18

complete list of authors

  • Hokr, Brett H||Bixler, Joel N||Yakovlev, Vladislav V

publication date

  • November 2014