publication venue for
- QCD challenges from pp to A-A collisions. 56:288. 2020
- The determination of the astrophysical S-factor of the direct O-18(p, gamma)F-19 capture by the ANC method. 55:114. 2019
- Bayesian modeling of the nuclear equation of state for neutron star tidal deformabilities and GW170817. 55:209. 2019
- Light nuclei production in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV. 54:175. 2018
- Heavy-ion collisions: Direct and indirect probes of the density and temperature dependence of E-sym. 50:31-16. 2014
- Probing isospin- and momentum-dependent nuclear effective interactions in neutron-rich matter. 50:29-27. 2014
- How much cooler would it be with some more neutrons? Exploring the asymmetry dependence of the nuclear caloric curve and the liquid-gas phase transition. 50:35-10. 2014
- High-precision Q(EC)-value measurements for superallowed decays. 48:48-8. 2012
- Elastic alpha-particle resonances as evidence of clustering at high excitation in Ca-40. 47:96. 2011
- Highly excited alpha-cluster states in S-34. 47:73-7. 2011
- Nuclear energy density functional from chiral two-nucleon and three-nucleon interactions. 47:128. 2011
- Extreme alpha-clustering in the O-18 nucleus. 42:135-139. 2009
- The half-life of Au-198: High-precision measurement shows no temperature dependence. 34:271-274. 2007
- Challenges in nuclear dynamics and thermodynamics. 30:1-3. 2006
- Isospin flows. 30:153-163. 2006
- Preface. 30:iii-iii. 2006
- Indirect techniques in nuclear astrophysics Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient and Trojan Horse. 27:205-215. 2006
- Breakup of loosely bound nuclei as indirect method in nuclear astrophysics: B-8, C-9, Al-23. 27:237-242. 2006
- Cross-section limits for the Pb-208(Kr-86,n)(293)118 reaction. 18:633-638. 2003
- Polarized antiquark flavor asymmetry $$mathrm{Delta \bar u (x) - Delta \bar d(x)}$$ and the pion cloud. 17:509-512. 2003
- Asymptotic normalization coefficients and astrophysical direct capture rates. 13:227-232. 2002
- High Efficiency Total Absorption Spectrometer HECTOR for capture reaction measurements. 55:77.
- PANDORA Project for the study of photonuclear reactions below A=60. 59:208.
- Photo-response of the N=Z nucleus 24Mg. 59:198.
- Probing nuclear forces beyond the nuclear drip line: the cases of 16F and 15F. 57:93.
- Study of N=50 gap evolution around Z=32: new structure information for 82Ge. 59:153-153.
- Deducing the nuclear-matter incompressibility coefficient from data on isoscalar compression modes 2006
- Breathing mode energy and nuclear matter incompressibility coefficient within relativistic and non-relativistic models 2005
- Investigating the rp-process with the Canadian Penning trap mass spectrometer 2005
- Isobaric analog states of neutron-rich nuclei. Doppler shift as a measurement tool for resonance excitation functions 2005
- Superallowed 0(+) -> 0(+) beta decay and CKM unitarity: A new overview including more exotic nuclei 2005
- Weak interaction symmetries with atom traps 2005
- Controlled-NOT gates for four-level atoms in a bimodal cavity 2005
- Halo neutrons and the beta-decay of Li-11 2005
- Asymptotic normalization coefficients in nuclear astrophysics and structure 2002
- Superallowed 0(+) -> 0(+) beta-decay and CKM unitarity - Recent results and future prospects 2002
- Tests of the standard model from superallowed Fermi beta-decay studies: The (74)Rb beta-decay 2002
- Asymptotic normalization coefficients and astrophysical direct capture rates 2002