publication venue for
- Long-term trends in stream nitrate concentrations and losses across watersheds undergoing recovery from acidification in the Czech Republic. 11:410-425. 2008
- Age-dependent changes in ecosystem carbon fluxes in managed forests in northern wisconsin, USA. 10:187-203.
- Effects of Microtopography on Absorptive and Transport Fine Root Biomass, Necromass, Production, Mortality and Decomposition in a Coastal Freshwater Forested Wetland, Southeastern USA. 23:1294-1308.
- Integrating Remote Sensing with Ground-based Observations to Quantify the Effects of an Extreme Freeze Event on Black Mangroves (Avicennia germinans) at the Landscape Scale. 27:45-60.
- Landscape-scale hydrologic characteristics differentiate patterns of carbon flow in large-river food webs. 10:1019-1033.
- Long-Term Effects of Adding Nutrients to an Oligotrophic Coastal Environment. 14:430-444.
- The effects of infrared loading and water table on soil energy fluxes in northern peatlands. 7:573-582.