Testing the Effectiveness of Class C and Class F Fly Ash in Controlling Expansion due to Alkali-Silica Reaction Using Modified ASTM C 1260 Test Method
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The effectiveness of several Class C and Class F fly ashes in controlling expansion due to alkali silica reactivity (ASR) was investigated based on a modified ASTM C 1260 test method. Three different strengths of NaOH solution (1N, 0.5N, and 0.25N) were used to test the reactivity of reactive and potentially reactive aggregate in mortars with 20 and 35% Class C and F fly ash replacements by mass of cement. The other variables included high and low alkali cement, extended curing time, and longer testing period of 28 days. Test results confirm that Class F fly ash is more effective than Class C fly ash in controlling expansion due to ASR, but that Class C fly ash can also be used under certain conditions.