Nutrient database improvement project: Separable components and proximate composition of raw and cooked retail cuts from the beef loin and round.
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Beef nutrition research has become increasingly important domestically and internationally for the beef industry and its consumers. The objective of this study was to analyze the nutrient composition of ten beef loin and round cuts to update the nutrient data in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. Seventy-two carcasses representing a national composite of Yield Grade, Quality Grade, sex classification, and genetic type were identified from six regions across the U.S. Beef short loins, strip loins, tenderloins, inside rounds, and eye of rounds (NAMP # 173, 175, 190A, 169A, and 171C) were collected from the selected carcasses and shipped to three university meat laboratories for storage, retail fabrication, and raw/cooked analysis of nutrients. Sample homogenates from each animal were analyzed for proximate composition. These data provide updated information regarding the nutrient status of beef, in addition, to determining the influence of Quality Grade, Yield Grade, and sex classification on nutrient composition.