Redox manipulation of silawa soil for reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene
Conference Paper
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The goal of this research was to investigate reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene (TCE) in continuous soil column reactors reduced by three types of reductants (Fe(II), dithionite, Fe(II) + dithionite). The soil column reduced by a combination of Fe(II) and dithionite had the greatest bed volumes (51.8) treated to breakthrough, indicating that this combined treatment is the most effective for the reductive dechlorination of TCE in reduced soil columns. The measured bed volume treated to breakthrough in each column was very similar to the estimated value based on the results of batch kinetic experiments, differing by factors between 0.96 and 1.02. The relative concentration of non-reactive tracer (bromide) reached the approximate value of 1 between 0.87 and 1.03 bed volume. Chloride was observed as a transformation product in the effluents of soil columns reduced by dithionite and Fe(II) + dithionite. No chlorinated intermediates were observed at concentrations above detection limits.