Multidimensional mappings for iteratively decoded BICM on multiple-antenna channels
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Multidimensional binary mappings for bit-interleaved coded modulations (BICMs) on ergodic multiple-antenna channels with iterative decoding are presented. After derivation of a closed-form expression for the pairwise error probability under ideal maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding, the design criterion for mapping optimization is established from the ML performance of the ideally interleaved channel. It coincides with the figure of merit derived from the genie condition when the iterative receiver converges to perfecta prion information. Multidimensional mapping constructions that exhibit high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gains without increasing the complexity of the a posterion probability (APP) detection are proposed. They allow for a reduced decoding complexity as they achieve near turbo code performance with a single convolutional code. 2005 IEEE.