publication venue for
- Comparative Genomics of X-linked Muscular Dystrophies: The Golden Retriever Model.. 14:330-342. 2013
- On the limitations of biological knowledge.. 13:574-587. 2012
- The illusion of distribution-free small-sample classification in genomics.. 12:333-341. 2011
- Causality, randomness, intelligibility, and the epistemology of the cell.. 11:221-237. 2010
- Plant Protein-Protein Interaction Network and Interactome. 11:40-46. 2010
- Genomic signal processing.. 10:364-364. 2009
- Performance of feature selection methods.. 10:365-374. 2009
- Translational science: epistemology and the investigative process.. 10:102-109. 2009
- Boolean models of genomic regulatory networks: reduction mappings, inference, and external control.. 10:375-387. 2009
- Classification and error estimation for discrete data.. 10:446-462. 2009
- Hidden Markov Models and their Applications in Biological Sequence Analysis.. 10:402-415. 2009
- On the epistemological crisis in genomics.. 9:69-79. 2008
- Validation of inference procedures for gene regulatory networks.. 8:351-359. 2007
- Validation of computational methods in genomics.. 8:1-19. 2007
- Recent advances in intervention in markovian regulatory networks.. 10:463-477.