publication venue for
- The ecological niche of native and invasive fish congeners in Texas streams: evidence from morphology, stable isotope analysis, and stomach contents analysis. 25:3993-4008. 2023
- Movement and mortality of invasive suckermouth armored catfish during a spearfishing control experiment.. 24:3119-3131. 2022
- Genomic tools reveal complex social organization of an invasive large mammal (Sus scrofa). 24:3199-3216. 2022
- Sugar is an ant's best friend? Testing food web theory predictions about trophic position and abundance in an invasive ant (Nylanderia fulva). 24:67-80. 2022
- Geography, opportunity and bridgeheads facilitate termite invasions to the United States. 22:3269-3282. 2020
- Occurrence of invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) larvae in the northern Gulf of Mexico: characterization of dispersal pathways and spawning areas. 19:1971-1979. 2017
- Predicted range expansion of the invasive plant Leucaena leucocephala in the Hengchun peninsula, Taiwan. 18:381-394. 2016
- Recently introduced invasive geckos quickly reach population genetic equilibrium dynamics. 16:2653-2667. 2014
- Differences in cold hardiness between introduced populations of an invasive tree. 14:2029-2038. 2012
- Genetic diversity and colony breeding structure in native and introduced ranges of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus. 14:419-437. 2012
- Global impact of biological invasions: transformation in pest management approaches. 12:2855-2856. 2010
- Herbivory in invasive rats: criteria for food selection. 12:805-825. 2010
- A silent invasion. 11:825-834. 2009
- Increased competitive ability and herbivory tolerance in the invasive plant Sapium sebiferum. 10:291-302. 2008
- Recruitment Limitation, Seedling Performance and Persistence of Exotic Tree Monocultures. 8:979-991. 2006