Rnd3, also known as RhoE, belongs to the Rnd subclass of the Rho family of small guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins. Rnd proteins are unique due to their inability to switch from a GTP-bound to GDP-bound conformation. Even though studies of the biological function of Rnd3 are far from being concluded, information is available regarding its expression pattern, cellular localization, and its activity, which can be altered depending on the conditions. The compiled data from these studies implies that Rnd3 may not be a traditional small GTPase. The basic role of Rnd3 is to report as an endogenous antagonist of RhoA signaling-mediated actin cytoskeleton dynamics, which specifically contributes to cell migration and neuron polarity. In addition, Rnd3 also plays a critical role in arresting cell cycle distribution, inhibiting cell growth, and inducing apoptosis and differentiation. Increasing data have shown that aberrant Rnd3 expression may be the leading cause of some systemic diseases; particularly highlighted in apoptotic cardiomyopathy, developmental arrhythmogenesis and heart failure, hydrocephalus, as well as tumor metastasis and chemotherapy resistance. Therefore, a better understanding of the function of Rnd3 under different physiological and pathological conditions, through the use of suitable models, would provide a novel insight into the origin and treatment of multiple human diseases.