The All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) Data Sets uri icon


  • In this the first of a series of Letters, we present a panchromatic data set in the Extended Groth Strip region of the sky. Our survey, the All-Wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS), aims to study the physical properties and evolutionary processes of galaxies at z 1. It includes the following deep, wide-field imaging data sets: Chandra/ACIS X-ray, GALEX ultraviolet, CFHT/MegaCam Legacy Survey optical, CFHT/CFH12K optical, Hubble Space Telescope/ACS optical and NICMOS near-infrared, Palomar/WIRC near-infrared, Spitzer/IRAC mid-infrared, Spitzer/MIPS far-infrared, and VLA radio continuum. In addition, this region of the sky has been targeted for extensive spectroscopy using the Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph (DEIMOS) on the Keck II 10 m telescope. Our survey is compared to other large multiwavelength surveys in terms of depth and sky coverage. 2007. The American Astronomical Sociey, All rights reserved.

published proceedings

  • The Astrophysical Journal

altmetric score

  • 9

author list (cited authors)

  • Davis, M., Guhathakurta, P., Konidaris, N. P., Newman, J. A., Ashby, M., Biggs, A. D., ... Yan, R.

citation count

  • 466

complete list of authors

  • Davis, M||Guhathakurta, P||Konidaris, NP||Newman, JA||Ashby, MLN||Biggs, AD||Barmby, P||Bundy, K||Chapman, SC||Coil, AL||Conselice, CJ||Cooper, MC||Croton, DJ||Eisenhardt, PRM||Ellis, RS||Faber, SM||Fang, T||Fazio, GG||Georgakakis, A||Gerke, BF||Goss, WM||Gwyn, S||Harker, J||Hopkins, AM||Huang, J-S||Ivison, RJ||Kassin, SA||Kirby, EN||Koekemoer, AM||Koo, DC||Laird, ES||Le Floc’h, E||Lin, L||Lotz, JM||Marshall, PJ||Martin, DC||Metevier, AJ||Moustakas, LA||Nandra, K||Noeske, KG||Papovich, C||Phillips, AC||Rich, RM||Rieke, GH||Rigopoulou, D||Salim, S||Schiminovich, D||Simard, L||Smail, I||Small, TA||Weiner, BJ||Willmer, CNA||Willner, SP||Wilson, G||Wright, EL||Yan, R

publication date

  • May 2007